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Supporting indie authors one thoughtful book review at a time!

Hi there, nice to meet you!

I'm Jennie.

My mom tells me that when I was only four years old, I sat by the window each day in our living room to watch the school bus pass by. I looked wistfully at that yellow bus and sighed, “I can hardly wait to read.” As a child, we read so much that I memorized entire books that I later “read” to myself. Growing up in the 80s, I participated in the Pizza Hut Book-It program. I remember steadily filling up one button after another to redeem my reading time for a personal pizza.

This love affair with books continued throughout my life. I was always one to have a book or Kindle stuck somewhere nearby so I could sneak a few minutes of reading into my day even when the reading time was in short supply. Then, amazingly enough, I married a writer who is now a self-published author working on his own series. Through his journey, my eyes were opened to the unique and talented indie author community. I found book after book of outstanding quality, but many had one thing in common…they lacked book reviews. At this moment, the idea for The Redhead Notes was born. My mission became to find these books, read them, and leave thoughtful book reviews. Somehow, it didn’t feel like enough. So I expanded this idea to include a website complete with author interviews, guest posts, and even a little blog of my own. 

Like many creatives, The Redhead Notes is a passion I pursue in my free time. However, the job that pays the bills is working as a pediatric speech-language pathologist. I help little ones find their voices in my day-to-day work, whether through spoken word, sign language, or even speech-generating devices. But, at the end of the day, everything I love focuses on communicating ideas in one form or another.

I live in a suburb of Dallas, Texas, with my husband and mom. I’m also the fur mama to two incredibly spoiled but sweet dogs who think they own our bed, an ungrateful cat who knocks over my plants when I fail to give him treats on time, and an Appaloosa mare, who meets me every day by the fence at noon for her daily apple or carrot. In my spare time, I work creatively with K.A. Griffin to create his six-book series, The Accidental World. I edit his first few drafts and maintain what we jokingly call the “NHHMM Encyclopedia.” You can read more about him at www.kagriffin.com.