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Aaron Scott Wickel

Aaron Scott Wickel has been a fan of the fantasy genre since he could speak. From the realm of Disney to Lucas Arts (then back to Disney when they bought the Star Wars franchise), and across a multitude of fantastical universes, he has loved the mystifying aspects of pretty much anything fiction. As a dreamer, writing fantasy has given him a unique tool to convey art through words. He believes that this art holds the key to unlocking a door to adventures not attainable in this world.

As a member of the League of Utah Writers, Aaron has had the opportunity to meet many writers that have guided his career to this point. He spent ten years honing his craft and is excited to continue his development with the future releases of the Elements series. Aside from writing, he enjoys spending time with his family, playing video games, 3D digital modeling, and composing music. Aaron feels a very deep connection to nature and often finds the inspiration for his work while driving through Utah's winding mountain roads. Above all things in nature, however, he has a particular fascination with the elemental forces. Earth (controlled by Stone Guardians in this series) is his favorite. He loves forests and plant life in general. It's his dream to one day own a greenhouse where he can house many varieties of bonsai species. In the future you may even find a tab on his website, www.wickelwrites.com, hosting pictures of this magnificent art form.

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A Whisper of Wind