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/ Current Monthly Featured Review

Dark Eyes


Title: Dark Eyes

Publication Date: February 24, 2023

Genre: Historical Fiction, Thriller, Romance, Mystery


One word: stunning! I found myself staring at the woman’s face, wondering who she was and what had caused her to have such a beautiful, haunted expression. Everything from her appearance to the shadowy background made me want to read this book.


Anya, a young single mother in the 1950s Soviet Union, finds her world turned upside down when she becomes entangled in the double homicide of two Russian women: a doll seller and a hotel worker. Andrei, a police photographer, believes the murders are related, but he will need Anya’s help to uncover the relationship between the women. As Anya and Andrei grow closer, secrets are revealed that will either help them forge a bond or separate them forever.

Why I chose this book:

After finding myself in an uninspired reading rut, I returned to the person I knew would capture my attention with her superb storytelling ability: Nina Romano!

First Impression:

One cannot read a Romano book without first acknowledging her impeccable writing ability. From her use of dialogue to the vivid descriptions, Romano offers her readers nothing but excellence. However, Dark Eyes surpassed my expectations as Romano cleverly captured the historical Russian voice, which was more abrupt and bordered on rude at times, even among acquaintances and friends. At this moment, I knew I was in for an unexpected treat!

What I loved:

While I have only read and reviewed one other novel by Romano, Dark Eyes has a different feel. It is a dark and edgy thriller, and I never felt entirely confident about what would happen next. Romano kept me on my toes as I waited for her to reveal her layered plot of murder mystery entwined with a love story. This combination proved exciting as one layer of the story after another was peeled back to reveal more clues.

Regarding character development, Anya is multi-faceted, with characteristics that sometimes seem at odds with one another. On the one hand, Anya exhibits extreme concern and care for those she loves, such as her daughter with special needs, her older female neighbor, and even Andrei. In the quiet moments, the reader sees a softer side to the former ballerina as she loses herself in her dance practice. Romano allows the reader to see the beautiful, creative side that shines through when Anya wants it to. On the other hand, she is a vulnerable woman attempting to eke out an existence in a male-dominated world intent on using and abusing her. In these moments, she hardens herself and wills her body to survive the fate she has been dealt. She is not a superhero, but she is a survivor.

Additional Thoughts:

With a darker subject matter comes adult themes, including violence, sexual content, and rape. Romano could not have told her story without these elements.

Quotable Quotes:

• As she stood barefoot in a smattering of snow covering the frozen ground, her mind was cognizant of two emotions: hate and fear, strong emotions that can incite people to kill.
• “Look. What do you see?” he asked.
“A universe of stars, “ she said.
“We’re here alone in a world they don’t know. Behind them—beyond those stars—what is there really? I don’t know, but I understand there’s a world beyond this one, looking into your dark eyes—I see light like a starry sky.”
• “What twisty paths we find ourselves on as we travel life’s journey.”
• He kissed the top of her head. “I can give this up without regrets, but never you. You’ve melded with my soul. I feel as though I’ve known you for a lifetime. Perhaps from another life, a divergent time.”
“You live for the beauty of wild things.”
“That’s why I adore you.”

Who might enjoy this book:

Dark Eyes is ideal for readers who enjoy historical fiction with a thrilling mix of mystery and romance.

Overall Impression:

Five stars. It should not surprise the reader that Romano has written yet another five-star book. However, it should be a great surprise that Romano has written THIS five-star book because this is entirely outside what one might expect from her. For me, the joy of following an author’s career is watching that individual grow and step outside of their comfort zone to create art that pushes even the limits of what they thought could be accomplished. Dark Eyes is a crowning achievement in Romano’s outstanding collection of creative works.


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